Lo: create a piece of writing that describes a place or setting inspired by this song
There was a dark rainy cloud coming through with spooky stuff and old as graves under the ground and
lighting coming through. then the most scary thing was that there was know way out it was just a
cemetery. even if u walk as fast as and it's like when you run or walk there were holes in the ground and
slowly slip through the muddy holes.
Then she was walking and didn't even know there was holes in the ground so she fell down the holes
and down there was graves. When she fell she she then collapsed and then a couple minutes later she
woke up and screamed so then she stopped then she looked and then a couple minutes zombies
started coming out from the graves so what she did was she started running and looking for something
that dangerous and she wacked the zomibies with it. Then she use the shuvle to climb up out of the hole
and she runned as far away and she saw a home and she went in there and sleep.
The end