
Friday, September 14, 2018

cold ice expirement

You will need;

  • A bowl of cold water
  • A matchstick
  • An ice cube
  • Table salt


  1. Place the ice cube carefully in the bowl of cold water
  2. Gently place the match lengthwise on top of the ice and try to lift the ice cube
  3. Put the matchstick back on the ice and sprinkle a little salt along the line where it touches the ice cube
  4. Wait for 30 seconds and then attempt to pick up the ice cube again

What’s the science?

in science we did science with my class. so we put all the things in and we grabbed the thing we needed for science. so at first well ice cubes and water are like the same but its a cube.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Eleaphant toothpaste in science

                                                         Making elephant toothpaste
1. Safety glasses
2. A cylinder
3. Rubber gloves
4. Paper to protect the bench from damage
5. 120ml hydrogen peroxide 6 percent
6. Dishwasher liquid
7. Dry yeast
8. Food colouring
9. Funnel
10. Tablespoon
11. Beaker