this is my writing- week 3 term 3
The shower was shiny and sparkly clean before Buster Busted through the door. Jamie sprinted through the door to get to Buster. Jamie slammed the door and turned the shower on. They were in the shower ready to clean buster but, the icky, slimy mud clogged the drain and the glass shower door was stuck and wouldn’t budge.
The water started to fill up the shower. Buster started to clean himself up jamie felt terrified. Jamie thinks he's going to drown because the dirty icky mud water is filling up to his neck. Buster started to bark really noisy and jamie yelled as loudly as he could. there yelling to get help so they won’t drown and so Jamie could not wait any longer so Jamie and buster smashed it with the shower head so the then they escaped the shower and then when they broke the shower the whole building flooded so Jamie and buster ran for their life so they would stay alive…………?